IWINAC International Work-conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation

IWINAC-2005: Pre-organized sessions

IWINAC2005 will feature pre-organized sessions were some investigators from themes related to the congress topics will search, select and encourage the submission of 4 or 5 papers from other investigators in the same area.

Please, check for the list of current preorganized sessions, where you can find descriptions and address of contact, and see below the information for authors willing to submit papers under a session.

Information for session organizers

The IWINAC2005 Program Committee is requesting proposals for pre-organized sessions also in other topics related to the global scope of the congress, in the interdisciplinary spirit of the interplay between natural and artificial computation.

  1. For each effective organized session (with at least 4 papers accepted), a discount on the registration fee is offered to the organizing person (350¤ instead of 450¤ for early registration, or 400¤ instead of 500¤ for later registration).
  2. The organizer will also act as one of the two mandatory referees for all the papers included in his/her session. The other referee will be always external to the session participants.
  3. The organizer will act automatically as the chairman of his/her session.
  4. Some session organizers could think useful to count with the help of another person as session co-organizer. In these cases, the co-organizer can also participate in the referee process, and become also co-chair of the session, but only one reduced fee per session is permitted. Please, note that the second referee person will still remain under the appointment of the organizing committee.
  5. Also, some other persons can collaborate with the session organizer for the purposes of advertising, finding participants, etc. Nevertheless, these collaborators will appear named in the session description in the web and, for the efective sessions, in the final program and the proceedings. But they will not obtain the organizer discounts and will not act as that session referees (however they will be considered as potential external referees for papers of other sessions or in the general program).

Information for authors willing to participate in a session

Authors willing to participate in a pre-organized session, must request from the session organizer the agreement to submit his/her paper under the session. Probably, the organizer will request previously a copy of the paper for a pre-review. In case a paper is not suitable or not accepted under any session, it always can be submitted under the "General Program" option. The only valid submissions will be received (before deadline) through the Paper submission form in the IWINAC server. The copies sent to session organizers will not be considered valid submissions until sent through the congress organization form.

Please, check for the list of current preorganized sessions, where you can find descriptions and address of contact. All papers accepted in a preorganized session will be presented orally (for poster presentation submit your paper under the General Program Poster session). All the acepted papers (independent of the session of presentation) for IWANN-2005 will be published in the Spinger-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series.