The global purpose of this interdisciplinary meeting is to offer a fórum for discussion and Exchange of ideas between scientists and engineers, trying to contribute to the answer of two basic questions:
What can Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Computation, AI and KE contribute to the understanding of Nervous System, Cognitive Processes and Social Behavoir?
What can Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Computation, AI and KE find inspiration in the behavoir and internal operation of physical, biological and social systems to conceive, develop and build new concepts, material, mechanisms and algorithms of potencial value in real world applications?
To address the two questions, we will make use of a wide and comprehensive view of the Computational Paradigm (CP) that first consider three levels of description for each calculus (physical mechanisms, symbols and knowledge) and then distinguish between two domains of description (the level "own" domain and the domain of the external observer).
This wider view of the CP allows us more elbow room to accommodate the results of the interplay between Nature and computation. The IWINAC forum becomes thus a methodological approximation (set of intentions, questions, experiments, models, algorithms, mechanisms, explanation procedures, and engineering and computational methods) to the natural and artificial perspectives of the mind embodiments problem, both in humans and in artifacts.
1 Interplay at the Physical Level
From Artificial to Natural
From Natural to Artificial
1.1 Computational Neuroscience
1.2 Bio-inspired Circuits and Mechanisms
Interplay at the Symbol Level
From Artificial to Natural
From Natural to Artificial
2.1 Neural Coding and Neuro-informatics
2.2 Bioinspired Programming strategies
3 Interplay at the Knowledge Level
From Artificial to Natural
From Natural to Artificial
3.1 Computational Foundations and approaches to the study of Cognition
3.2 Bioinspired Engineering AI&KE